Friday, November 7, 2008

1.  The article highlighted different sitting arrangements, technics and types: integral seating, sitting heights, benches, chairs, the amount of seating and relationship to the street.  The article expressed other main points too: plaza's should be located near the flow of walkers, the positioning of seating to accommodate for large groups, the power of chairs and about one linear foot of seating per thirty square feet of plaza.

2.  Both the design of urban spaces and the design of products keep the user in mind through visceral, behavioral and reflective.  The difference between the two is when someone buys a product they own it from that point; however, people do not own urban spaces, they simply decide whether or not they like the environment and decide whether or not they want to come back.  An urban space as to attract users more than once while a product needs only to attract a user one time.

3.  My checklist for analyzing a public space would be:
1.  many different options in seating including integral seating
2.  the amount of seating is based on the areas peek hours of people
3.  proximity to the street in order to attract people and give off the feeling of something always going on.

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